How do I receive the initiations?

You receive the initiations from the higher self of Khu’s founder and director (Irving Feurst) at a time and place of your choosing.

How often do I receive the initiations?

You need to wait at least a month between any two Khu lessons. Each lesson consists of six initiations, together with written information. Some people prefer to go at a more leisurely pace and to wait more than a month between lessons. This is completely up to you.

How many lessons are there all together?

The Khu lessons fall into two parts: the first 36 constitute "The Mysteries of Isis" and the second part, "The Mysteries of Osiris" is ongoing, a new class is added each month.

Do I have to take the lessons in a certain order?

Yes. Khu has a definite structure with each lesson building on the previous lessons. It is not possible to skip lessons or to do the lessons out of order.

Am I under any obligation to complete a certain number of lessons?

No. Continue only as long as you feel the school is helping you.

Is there any homework I need to send you or any tests to take?

No. To get the most benefit from the school, there are practices that you need to do between lessons. However, these practices are entirely for your own benefit. The practices can be done in a reasonable amount of time (many people can do them in an hour per week) and are not difficult to master.

What is the cost?

Each lesson costs $80.00.

Can I use a credit card to pay for lessons?

Yes. You may pay with a credit card using PayPal's secure server. Just go to How to Enroll and select the second option.

How many lessons can I pay for at once?

There are two methods of paying for lessons:

Method 1

The first method is to pay for only one lesson at a time. When you finish a lesson and feel that it is time for you to go on (allowing at least 30 days between the times you receive initiations) then you can order the next lesson. If you pay for lessons one at a time, we will send you each lesson within 10 days of when we receive payment for that lesson.

Method 2

The second method is to pay for a block of lessons at one time. You have 3 choices about the size of the block:

  • Quarterly - 3 months at a time: $240
  • Semiannually - 6 months at a time: $480
  • Annually - 12 months at a time: $960

As you can see, the cost for each lesson is still $80 whether you pay quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The advantage is that they will be mailed out to you at regular intervals and you will not need to request and send payment for each lesson separately. Prepaid lessons will be e/mailed by the third Tuesday of each month.

How do I make out checks or money orders and where do I send them?

Checks or money orders should be made payable to "Irving Feurst". Mail payments to:

Khu, c/o Irving Feurst
P.O. Box 5920, Hercules, CA 94547

(Please note that this is the Khu address used specifically for orders and student correspondence.)

Payments sent from other countries should be made out in dollars and drawn on a United States bank. International money orders made out in US dollars are also acceptable. You may also pay by credit card using PayPal's secure server. See How to Enroll.


How can I get answers to other questions I have about logistics or to questions about the practices that I am supposed to do between lessons?

Either Irving or a staff member will respond to such questions when you fill out our contact form or you may send a letter to the address shown above. If you enroll in the school, you will be given a private email address that is only for enrolled students.

Please understand that Irving does not give personal or medical advice and does not do healing. If you have a medical condition, please consult a licensed health practitioner.


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Home Page | Student Support

KHU, Egyptian Mystery School
Mailing Address:
c/o Irving Feurst
P.O. Box 5920
Hercules, CA 94547

Irving Feurst is also the Founder of:
S.U.N, The Spiritual Unfoldment Network

© Copyright 2000-2021 Irving Feurst

Site Design by Sherry Mouser