To enroll, please fill out this form entirely, then print it, sign at the bottom, enclose your payment and send by regular mail (not email) to:
KHU ENROLLMENT ORDER FORM Please type or print the information below. Please write clearly so we are sure to send your lessons to the right email or address: I wish to enroll in Khu, The Egyptian Mystery School. I understand I am under no obligation to complete a predetermined number of lessons. I may withdraw at any time and may receive a full refund for any lessons not yet sent. I understand that there are no refunds, however, for any lessons once they have been sent.
PAYMENT IS ENCLOSED AS CHECKED BELOW: Each lesson is $80 U.S. dollars and must be paid in advance by check, money order, or online by credit card on our website via Paypal’s secure server. Please do not send cash. Students may purchase a single lesson at a time or a block of monthly lessons for 3,6, or 12 months in advance. Students are free to change the payment options once their current order has expired. International students please note: Payments sent from other countries should be made out in dollars and drawn on a United States bank. At this time I am ordering the following number of Khu lessons:
ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT FORM I understand that I am encouraged, prior to enrolling in Khu, to receive free initiations and sample energy work available on the Khu website. This will help me determine if I want to enroll in this program. I understand that all Khu materials are copyrighted by Irving Feurst, with all rights reserved. This material may not be used, reproduced, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission of Irving Feurst. I understand that the Khu initiations are intended to empower me to use energies to benefit myself and others. I understand that these classes, however, do not give me the ability to give these initiations to others. I agree not to claim that it is possible for me or any other being to do anything whatsoever with Khu initiations, energies, or transmissions, except what Khu lessons or other materials specifically state is possible. I understand that Khu initiations will be given only to one person per lesson. If other people wish to receive the initiations, they need to order their own copy of the lesson. I understand that the Director of Khu may at any time decide to discontinue an individual as a Khu student. If someone is discontinued the only compensation they will receive is a refund for any prepaid lessons that have not yet been sent at the time of discontinuance. I agree that if I have any dispute with Irving Feurst, Khu, or its representatives that cannot be solved through discussion, I will settle it through binding arbitration rather than through lawsuit. Khu Disclaimers: 1) Khu makes no medical claims for any of its work. Although historically one of the reasons people have worked with energy is because of a belief some energies can heal, Khu makes no medical claims. No statement made by Khu materials, teachers, staff, or students, should be interpreted as making or implying a medical claim, in whole or in part. When we use the word "heal" we do so in a spiritual sense, not a medical sense-even if we do not state so explicitly for every single use. The words " heal" and "whole" come from the same Old English root. To be healed spiritually with respect to an issue is to become whole with respect to that issue. For example, it may involve not a cure, but being at peace with the fact that there is no cure. If you have a medical condition, please seek the advice of a licensed health practitioner. In no case should Khu practices or statements made by Khu materials, teachers, staff, or students contribute to the delay or omission of appropriate medical treatment. 2) Khu prides itself on making available energies that are not only extraordinarily effective , but also extraordinarily safe. However, we do not assume responsibility for the effects of any Khu initiations, or any practices coming from Khu materials, teachers, staff, or students. I have read, understood and agree to all of the above. Signature___________________________________ Date__________________ Name (please print)_________________________________________________ Note: Be sure this form is completely filled out and that you have enclosed your check or money order. |