Initiations No cost or obligation There are two purposes for the sample initiations and evening transmissions. The first purpose is to help you decide whether you want to enroll in Khu, the Egyptian Mystery School. In keeping with the experiential focus of Khu, we suggest that after reading the general background information on this web site, that you base your decision about whether to enroll primarily on your experiences of the sample initiations and evening transmissions and that you consult your deep self rather than rely primarily upon mental processing. The second purpose is to contribute to the personal and spiritual growth of all those who come in contact with Khu. For this reason, please feel free to use the meditations that the sample initiations empower you to do whether or not you decide to enroll in Khu. While sometimes people feel very early on that they want to enroll in Khu, you may well want to wait until the end of the 30 day period to insure that you know Khu is right for you. Both the sample initiations and the evening transmissions will be sent to you by Irving Feurst's higher self. You are also invited to experience one or both of these sample initations: KHU,
Egyptian Mystery School Irving
Feurst is also the Founder of: © Copyright 2000-2004 Irving Feurst Site Design by Sherry Mouser